A.D.D. Poem

By Hannah Fengler

Did you know that a bolt of lightning is six times hotter than the sun
when I was 6 Pluto is my favorite Disney character
and speaking of Pluto did you know that
Pluto is not a planet anymore

planet that sounds a lot like plan
and I'm pretty sure I had one of those just a minute ago
what was I supposed to be doing again
that's right algebra homework
find the dividend of an ADD spelled
A.D.D. attention deficit disorder

Defined is a range of behavioral disorders
occurring in children including symptoms
of poor concentration
and impulse sensitivity
more commonly known as a girl in class who asks
a question that was just ask two minutes ago

I was diagnosed with it in my freshman year of high school
but I have been drawing the symptoms
on every homework paper
form graphite flowers to sketches and random swirls since first grade

I was medicated for it in freshman year
and I remember telling my boyfriend about it
and I was met with the response of
“oh thank God you'll be fixed”
as if my hour-long homework sessions
and my many questions that I asked during movies
or something that made me broken

I can't help it my mind is like a washing machine
a mix of lights and darks bleeding into each other
constantly tossed around toppling over each other
what was I supposed to be doing again
people think that I choose not to listen or
that I don't care about what they say

but the truth is when you speak to me I
become mesmerized by the pigment in your eyes
and now it's some point of the day they match the pigment in the sky
I can tell you the exact shade of Orange that paints
the clouds at the sunset just a few minutes ago

but I'm sorry I can't tell you the last three sentences you just said

3 did you know that it's a magic number
are three primary colors that we see in three dimensions
that the very essence of our cells are made up of three parts
our body, minds and souls

did you know that our minds are 90% water
and that mine is 90% distractions

do you know that I fear that I'll Never Fall in Love
because he thinks I'm an attentive that I don't know who he is
because I can't remember that his favorite food is pizza
and his favorite color is green
and little does he know that I have traced the back of his hand
with my fingers a thousand times
and I know his Watch beats half a second off from mine

I know has freckles make constellations
and he's got this little indentation in his chin from when he
busted it open from when he was 5 or maybe it was 6

what was I supposed to be doing again

my mind is no yellow brick road
It is a maze with no end
I’ve forgot where I started
and I don't know where I'm heading
no road signs lead the way just harsh labels being stuck on me as I go


I want to scatter these names across an ocean
whose color matches the size of a classmate
who told me that taking pills to stay focused is cheating
I can't help that I was born with the to do list the never gets checked off

or how every time that I finish one life gives me 3
I can explain to you that A.D.D. is really a gift wrapped
in exhaustion and stress
and maybe my intentions goes as fast as Lightning flashes
and my brain isn't constant like the Sun

but at least lightning is six times hotter.


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