
Showing posts from September, 2017

Leading Lines and Golden Hour

Leading Line Photos Palm Tree Home Reflection Avery 4 Way Golden Hour Portland Midnight Sky Target Dark

Photography Words and Terms (On going)

Aesthetic ~ are the qualities that combine to make something the way it does   *I am drawn to this photo because of the colors, the fireworks,  lighting and how the girl is looking away* Camera Obscura ~ a blacked out chamber with a small pinhole through which  light gets compressed. first recorded observation was by Mo Ti, in China, circa 400 BC. Exposure ~ length of time light hits the sensor or film Over Exposure ~ too much light Under Exposure ~ too little light Focal Point ~ The area of most interest  Exposure Triangle Aperture ~ The opening into the camera  Shutter ~ The Mechanism that allows light to enter the camera for a precise period of time ISO ~ The sensitivity (to light) of the sensor/film  Aperture: Aperture & Depth of Field ~ Aperture is the size of the opening into the camera, and the larger the aperture (opening) the smaller sliver of ...